Wicked Wisdom

Story of the Month: Training Day
January 1, 2010, 6:10 pm
Filed under: Fiction, Rough Draft, Uncategorized, Writing

For 2010 I will be posting a story I wrote in 2009 (which may or may not have been posted here before) on the first day of the month. My goal is to have the story completely rewritten by the end of each month. Hopefully rewritten versions of the selections will be worthy of appearing in an updated version of “This Was Supposed To Be Simple…”. This month’s selection is from May of 2009, but it is a story that stayed in my mind for many months before I wrote it. Please post any suggestions, ideas, or comments on how I can improve it!

Training Day

It was Thursday. We were walking down the streets of downtown, discussing how shitty our town was. You flipped your hair behind your shoulders. I smiled. We kept walking, finishing our beers and throwing the cans under the sidewalk into the gutter.

We kept walking and eventually I worked up the courage to put my hand on yours. “The most magical part of our relationship,” you said, “is that after all this time it’s still like we’re on our first date.”

“Is it that obvious that I’m nervous to show you affection?” I said, shooting you a nervous glance.

“Yes, and it’s adorable.”

We felt the sidewalk shake and heard the train whistle from blocks away. As usual we turned around, taking extra care to be sure not to turn back around until it had passed. I thought back to when we were in elementary school – when I first met you. We’d sit on the jungle gym, cold steel pressed to our legs, drinking our juice boxes and watching the train pass.

“Do you ever wonder what they’re carrying on that thing? What’s so exciting that we can’t even look at it?” I asked, taking extra care not to look at you as I spoke in fear of catching a glance.

You spun around into my direction, not worrying at all whether or not the guards onboard would think you were looking. “We know what they’re carrying. Military equipment. If we got to look people might leak secrets to the opposition.”

It was like you were reading from a book. Believing so completely what the government had taught us. Some people would find it annoying; I thought your naivety was cute.

“Well, that’s what they say, but no one really knows. No one’s ever seen it. How do we know it’s not something else, right?” You looked directly into my eyes, staring even after my mouth had stopped moving. You stood up on your tiptoes and placed your hands on my face. Slowly you touched your mouth to mine and for an instant it was like we were one. The train whistled loudly.

“I’ll let you know.” You whispered.

You lowered yourself back onto your flat feet and spun around, facing the train directly. I gasped. I could almost hear your eyes widen.  The gunshot fired. It went through your forehead. Perfect shot.

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